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Have a minimum net worth of CDN $800,000.
Have three years of business or management experience.
Be ready to invest CDN $400,000 for five years with a Canadian bank. (Possibility of obtaining a bank loan. You only pay CDN $120,000, which represents interest charges).
Immigration procedures take between 10 and 18 months, depending on the Immigration office used.
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You must have a minimum net worth of CDN $800,000, derived from legal economic activities. Net worth means the fair market price of all the assets of the investor and of his or her spouse or common-law spouse, less the fair market price of all their liabilities

You must also have 3 years of experience in management (planning, management and control of human, material and financial resources) acquired within a profitable and legal company (agricultural, industrial or commercial), a government or an international organisation.

You must agree to invest at least CDN $400,000 for 5 years, by signing an agreement with a Canadian financial intermediary.
This amount will be invested with Investissement-Québec or with one of its affiliates to finance an assistance programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Quebec or in Canada. You will thus be making a contribution to the Canadian economy.

You may also borrow that amount from a Canadian bank. The sum of CDN $400,000 will be paid to the government in your name, and you will pay the bank the borrowing fee, which is set at CDN $120,000.

View Details of Sel-Employed persons Programme

View Details of Entrepreneur Programme